March 6, 2025
Screen Shot 2020-08-26 at 1.45.20 PM

Staff Report

Plenty of summer blockbuster movies have been missed since COVID-19 swept the nation forcing movie theaters to close like Island Cinema and many others across the country.

That’s all changed as movie theaters opened up their doors on Friday, and Island Cinema didn’t wast time selling tickets and lighting up the sliver screen when theaters opened up across the nation for the first time since March.

Movie goers can now get back into their routine of watching Friday night flicks or take the family to the weekend show.

And to open up the week Island Cinema is showing Unhinged, Inception, Jaws, Sonic the Hedge Hog and Words on Walls

To keep the guests safe the cinema does not allow seating in every other row.

Popcorn and refreshments are on sale.

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